My Amazon Must-Haves (for Tumblers & Mugs)

My Amazon Must-Haves (for Tumblers & Mugs)

Here comes my Amazon Must-Haves for tumblers and mugs! Please keep in mind I run these on my 30W OMTech fiber, so these are being run on that machine with my designated chuck rotary installed. As usual, I will be updating as I do and try new things out. Everything on...
My Amazon Must-Haves (for Fiber Lasers)

My Amazon Must-Haves (for Fiber Lasers)

Here comes my Amazon Must-Haves for Fibers! For those who don’t know, last fall I purchased a 30W OMTech fiber laser with the intention of making it my dedicated mug and rotary machine. While it does a fantastcic job with that, I wanted to expand my horizons and...
My Amazon Must-Haves (for Beaded Wristlet Making)

My Amazon Must-Haves (for Beaded Wristlet Making)

Iv’e recently gotten into wristlet making over the last few weeks. It all started with me ordering some blanks online. I wanted to truly get a custom experience and start making my own. Through a little bit of trial and error, I was able to source some beads for...
My Amazon Must-Haves (for Laser Cutting)

My Amazon Must-Haves (for Laser Cutting)

I always get asked “what do you advise for making jewelry?” or something along those lines. After a year of testing, trial and error and actually using the products and things I make, I decided to create this list to help people with what I use on a day to...
WARNING: PLEASE READ! *Lots of theft going on*

WARNING: PLEASE READ! *Lots of theft going on*

Hi folks! I don’t like doing posts like this, but it is well needed after the last week iv’e been dealing with. For those who don’t follow me on social, I startedlisting limited files available on ETSY for laser cutting! However that seemed to have...
An Official Site Update!

An Official Site Update!

Hi folks! So it has been a hot minute since I posted anything related to my work and all the stuff that has been going on. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am drifting away from ETSY due to some issues I had with them. I was working on a Shopify which was nearly...
Is a Laser right for You?

Is a Laser right for You?

I get this question a lot- “If I purchase a laser how quickly can I pay it off? Is it a good investment”? This question is so specific to so many factors that it is hard to say! In my area laser work is booming because there isn’t anyone else with a...