My Amazon Must-Haves (for Laser Cleaning & Maintenance)

by | Feb 4, 2023 | Laser Cutting | 0 comments

Here comes my Amazon Must-Haves for maintaining and cleaning your laser! This blog layout will be set up a little different as I fully explain what I use these supplies for. Some might also have multiple uses, so I will do my best to call that out.

I will add to this last as I go. Most of these I keep in stock, and I try to keep multiples to have on hand, when possible.

*Please note, these do contain my affiliate links. 

This grease will help keep your rails in tip top shape. I usually clean my rails and re-grease once a month and use a shop towel/ paper towel to clean up the old grease, where I then apply the new.

These paired with the rail grease works great for cleaning your rails. I will clean off the grease first and then re-apply it with a second towel.

I use this stuff not just to clean my Honeycomb tray (I spray, let it sit, then hose down) but it also works great to clean up powder coated tumblers and laser-safe leatherette! I usually keep 3 bottles in stock at all times. I clean my honeycomb tray once a month with moderate use.

If you don’t want to get the brand name (Magic Eraser), these generic ones work just as great! I use them for cleaning powder coated mugs, metal and cleaning off my white mdf. I just dampen it with a little bit of rubbing alcohol and/or water (LA awesome for mugs) and it cleans up great!

I use these cloths in conjunction with the isopropyl alcohol listed in this article. I prefer white cloths when cleaning my lens/ mirrors because certain colors may bleed when using the isopropyl alcohol.

I use this to clean all my mirrors and lens. I usually clean my mirror/ lens daily (with heavy use) and with light use, about once a week. I pair this with a microfiber lens cloth (white) also depicted in this post.

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About the Author

Kristina is a full time freelance illustrator, graphic & web designer as well as an avid DIY crafter! She loves nothing more than creating all kinds of things. This blog showcases her latest projects, shop updates, stories, reviews, freebies and more!

When Kristina isn’t making stuff, she can be found hanging out with her Goldendoodle pup Daisy and her two Axolotls, Pickles & Popcorn.

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