I Have My Own Facebook Group Now!

by | Feb 15, 2023 | Laser Cutting, Site News | 4 comments

I created this group awhile back and only recently decided to move forward with it as a resource hub. I work A LOT with newbies. There are no stupid or silly questions. The goal here is to have a safe place for newbies to ask their questions.

What does this mean?

It means I am trying to create a safe space for everyone to be able to ask questions, get free resources and and catch a glimpse at how I work with things! I also hope to add freebies along the way.

Freebies such as limited files, podcasts and more! Iv’e already started a podcast series based on the questions I get asked a lot. Perhaps I will make a separate post just for me to keep track of all those episodes now.

My Podcast list (incase you are not a FB group member)

I am stashing these here for the time being! At the moment, these all link to my google drive.


  1. EP 1: My Introduction: Has all this info on my history, how I got into lasers and my situation.
  2. EP 2: Craft Show Prep: Covers my experiences attending and vending at shows, things to try, things to avoid, card readers, building your booth, promos and more.
  3. EP 3: Leaving your Job to Laser Full Time: My story on how I started to laser full time and how I paid off my machine. I also cover some situations faced.
  4. EP 4: Selecting your Machine: My experience with OMTech along with questions to ask yourself while in the research phase.
  5. EP 5: Legally Registering your Business: My experience meeting with the accountant, questions to ask your accountant/ business specialist and things to consider when you open for business!
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1 year ago

Gurllll! Congrats! So you mean I can join and not get booted for adding a heart to my earrings? LOL JK. I love PODCASTS. I’m downloading them all to listen to while I work. Please make some on the crazy stories of the jewelry groups please. I can give you some other ideas if you want them. I will report back when I have some more drama stories. I do like these and feel that you are onto something. I dont know of any other laser based Podcasts like this. I also like you how include examples on things to… Read more »

1 year ago

Hi! I sent a message and also wanted to comment somewhere here so you are made aware. I saw someone today post selling some swim suit jewelry files that look a lot like yours you posted last year. Incase it didn’t send, you can find them here [removed]. They are not exact but look very similar and some of the mix and match ones I think were stolen from you and I wanted to let you know incase you want to report. Iv’e purchased your files and sell the physicals but this person is very clearly selling digital files.

About the Author

Kristina is a full time freelance illustrator, graphic & web designer as well as an avid DIY crafter! She loves nothing more than creating all kinds of things. This blog showcases her latest projects, shop updates, stories, reviews, freebies and more!

When Kristina isn’t making stuff, she can be found hanging out with her Goldendoodle pup Daisy and her two Axolotls, Pickles & Popcorn.

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