I was going to post this on my FB art page, but I have so much in depth info I want to cover I just decided on posting it all here. Over the last couple of months, there have been some changes that I realized I have to make for my own sanity on the wonderful world of social media. I will be pulling back from a bulk of my groups to free up time and sanity.
This is particularly true in some of the communities I am apart of.
Please read below for some of the specifics.
Group Changes
For those not familiar with me, I am an official OMTech affiliate and have collaborated with them in the past on all kinds of educational resources for community members. It has recently been brought to my attention that because of this, I am viewed as a “conflict of interest” in some groups as they have the impression I am trying to sell machines and directly compete with them because I am an affiliate. While that has never been and is not my intention, unfortunately my reputation and affiliation has flagged me in some groups because of my history and passion for helping OMTech laser newbies (and I do not plan to stop with that either). I will no longer be active or posting in those communities where my help isn’t appreciated nor wanted. Iv’e already received a few messages from people who have asked why I haven’t been active in some communities, and quite frankly- this is why.
I will also be removing myself from some of the other communities as well. While I won’t go into detail, I don’t really have time to argue with people over how they feel they own the rights to generic shapes and feel like starting an argument over me using a circle or tear drop in my design. The best thing I can say if someone is reading this, please do your research. There are so many amazing resources available for copyrights and trademarks. Generic shapes like circles and hearts cannot be copy-written unless it is very stylized. I have had people reach out to me saying “don’t give in- other people are wrong it says a lot more about them than you” (yes, I am fully aware people cannot claim ownership over basic shapes). I don’t believe in bullying someone else who may very well be new to the community and unaware of their rights. We are not as original as we think we are. I honestly do not have the time or energy to patrol these communities because of this.
Aside from that, while yes, I am an affiliate- my main goal isn’t to sell someone a machine. It’s to help someone bring their dream to life. I’m not a sales person nor do I consider myself one in any way. While yes it is always great to get a commission from selling a machine, I also want to watch someone grow their work and business or bring their art to life. I love to follow along on the journey with someone else who ventures into the laser world and hopefully be a guide to them as they grow. I just wanted to clarify this for what an affiliate means to me.
As always, I’ll still be active in my supplier groups as well as my OMTech groups! I’m just going to be pulling away from a bulk of the others because I want to put my time and energy elsewhere, where it is needed and more appreciated.
My Changes
First off, I will be trying to focus on my OWN groups and work. I won’t be posting all my latest and greatest ideas in the hot and trendy groups no more. I might do some kind of exclusive subscription down the road, not sure. Bundled in with knock offs and theft, I feel like it may be in my best interest to try and grow my own community.
I am cutting back my helping directly in all my zillion communities and working more on creating DIY and educational content for community members, especially videos. I’d love to be able to provide more DIYS for members and see how that goes. I want to also show my support to the current artists and communities I follow as well.
My Request and Receive series seems to be going well. If you want a particular file to be designed, you can request it and I will draw it when I have the time available and list it online. I will no longer be converting and selling files of designs I already have in existence. I will only be selling new illustrated files under request and receive.
Which beings me to the next section- the messages I have been getting about my files and people asking WHY I don’t sell most of them.
Why I don’t sell most of my Files
Iv’e gotten quite a few extremely rude messages over the last few months about why I don’t sell a bulk of my files. While I didn’t think there needed to be an explanation, apparently there is. Let me say this has nothing to do with limiting competition. Yes, I am fully aware someone can copy my design/ idea and sell it, when I could sell it right off and just make that money. That still won’t change my mind and here is why.
For starters, it’s my art. Before I got into lasers, I made patterns from my art and sold them on various websites and even licensed them to companies. I have a whole private portfolio area that has thousands of examples of patterns, specifically for licensors to look at and review. This means that I need to have 100% control of the original artwork file. If someone else has access to it, it could cause some serious problems with my licensors as they may license that particular design/ art for a category of products they sell.
For example, let’s use a cartoon axolotl I drew. I might turn that into wooden earrings and pins, but Company A might want them for their clothing. Company B might want to license them for their mugs. If I were to just openly sell that file, who is to say a purchaser doesn’t put that design on mugs or clothing, which therefore would be directly violating the licensing term of exclusivity?
90% of my illustrations I make and do are derived from my patterns, so as you can guess- those will not be available for purchase. That is why I will only be making special requests moving forward. Granted, I do have some designs I did that I converted that are far enough away from the originals I am ok with selling files for (ie- going from a watercolor style into a line art). However there are not many of those, and often those are derived from designs I often have not worked into portfolio pieces just yet..
My Changes
Here is a slight run down as there is a lot here. Iv’e been pretty quiet online trying to avoid posting something like this, but apparently I need to address many of the messages I have been getting.
- Remaining active in only a few laser groups, primarily ones through my suppliers and OMTech
- Working on creating and growing my own group
- Spending less time in other communities and working on creating resources when I can, in my own time for community members
This blog is dedicated more towards those in my laser/ crafting communities than customers.
I have been WAITING for something like this to get posted and I feel that it is warranted because of all the time you have to spend explaining to people who are stupid. I only a watcher in a handful of groups but ugh girl you have to take some serious sh!t from people and I am really sorry that you are targeted. People feel so entitled it is gross. I think it is smart of you removing yourself from those places that give off toxic vibes. Even if they give exposure to potential customers you also have to sort… Read more »
It happens. One of the downfalls of people somewhat of a known person in certain communities. It’s ok though- I have my select places I want to work and give my business and time to. 🙂 I’m probably one of the odd balls who also does licensing/ illustration in conjunction with my laser- so chances are people probably have not encountered it before. That is my best guess at least. I would love to make my files members only with my community, but I have no idea how to even go about doing that. Or make them exclusive and rotate… Read more »
GIRL WHAT THE *&^(*&?!? Someone seriously feels that entitled they can just demand you sell files? Wow. I am speechless. I knew it was bad but not THAT bad. You reminded so professional.
I am so so so so so sorry people do not respect your work and time. No wonder you don’t want to sell files. I wouldn’t either if I got messages like this all the time. It is disgusting. Truly disgusting.
Keep doing you and postings. You have many fans and followers who will back you up and love your work.
I do not have words for what was written in that email. Do not feel like you need to explain to anyone why you own the rights to your own work and files. Some people are just not creative and it shows.
I wonder if this is the person I see ripping off your designs. It seems you post something on Instagram and then she posts something 2-3 days after that looks so much likes yours. I posted my other comment but wanted to make you aware. As another maker it disgusts me how some people are.
Iv’e dealt with this kind of stuff for years and while it is super unfortunate, it’s kind of a losing battle. So many people feel they are more original than they are and everybody has their own take on the same kind of theme. Like I could make a snowman and 100 other people can make one too. I try to just focus on my own work and leave it at that. 🙂
Wow ok thought I would look at your other posts and see and I can’t believe people actually email you this stuff. Like how? You were really nice and professional. Is this how I sounded?
This person actually found me from one of my supplier groups. Im in an odd boat with what I do because I also license my artwork. A lot of other makers probably don’t do that, so that is why this may come across as confusing. Your situation is completely different. This person feels entitled to everything lol. You are just starting out and as I say- live and learn. It would have been a different story if you were doing this for some years and reporting/ going after people but two months in- chances are, you will have this learning… Read more »
My wife and I look forward to your posts. You should post some of the messages you get so we can look at them and make ourselves feel better that we are not so entitled and petty. Ok in all fairness though this has got to be annoying.
I think your own community is a wonderful idea and I would happily join.
Hey Daniel, do you get any blog alerts or my tags? I know this is from some months ago but wanted to check in on the latest scoops.
I am terribly sorry that you have to explain this and remove yourself because of this. I actually wanted to get in touch with you cause I have seen some designs recently posted in one of my jewelry groups that look eerily similar to yours and I am under the impression there are some copy cats going on. I can usually tell your style by your engrave lines and I feel they have very clearly ripped you off. I didn’t want to publicly post and shame people in the event that they might have rights but I hope you see… Read more »
Hi Natalie, I appreciate you reaching out to me about this. I didn’t get any email though- so i’m not sure if maybe it got lost. Try to email kristina@kristhecreative.com 🙂 If that doesn’t work, you can try my other email kristina@tylonproducts.com . I do sell some files on my Etsy. If someone is posting a completed product, chances are I (hope) they just bought my file, but I don’t have much faith in humanity. Unfortunately there isn’t much I can do about people copying me, especially if they slightly change up the design. As I mentioned, I don’t sell… Read more »
Just resent it to both.
These were clearly digitals they were selling. I saw the spirit board get copied and i reported it as soon as I saw it but as of now nobody removed it.
Wowzers, sorry just realized there was a comment from you now. Lifes been super busy.
I saw one of the photos come through. Unfortunately that design isn’t an exact copy, so I don’t think there is much that can be done. They did change up the design enough where I don’t think it is a direct copy of mine, but perhaps they used my design as inspiration for the pattern.
Thank you for keeping an eye out though!
Thank you for getting back to me. Just wanted to make sure you were not getting ripped off. Sucks this happens.
I have been missing your posts in the jewelry group. I was looking for your shop the other day and had to track you down elsewhere. That stinks. What groups are you in? I don’t see you in the GF groups either but I guess that makes sense since you don’t have one lol. I think you should call out these people as well. What if someone accidentally buys a file from them and they are supporting a thief or just crappy person. Was looking for that chicken file. Not the inset one but there was one you did that… Read more »
Hi Lexi! Gosh I am in dozens of groups. I primarily hang out in the OMTech group, Homestyle group and the Craft closet group. All the other places I don’t really post in as I don’t have much time and a lot of the jewelry groups I had issues with so I keep quiet there. I still lurk to check for theft, but yeah. I’ll be posting my original creations in limited place now. Way too many issues and I just don’t have time to patrol and deal with it all. I have the Silkie chickens on Etsy- not sure… Read more »
Thank you. YES! Those were the ones. and I am sorry to hear about the theft. I remember the other post which I could no longer find. No idea if you removed it or the admin. I was trying to find it and saw your profile cleared out. Wanted to block that person and their shop and make sure I did not purchase from them. Can you email me their shop? Just want to make a note of it who to avoid. Were there other big issues I should be cautious of because I am thinking of posting some of… Read more »
So funny story! I actually went back and couldn’t find that post anymore, so i’m guessing it was removed maybe because of some of the bullying and drama going down, especially some people getting nasty with the newbie who didn’t really know what was going on. I get hundreds of notifications a day so who knows- could have totally gotten an alert and it was buried. After all that I just decided it wasn’t worth it. I removed the other posts I did because I found some people going to my profile and blatantly ripping me off and sending messages/… Read more »
My goodness how awful. I am so sorry. Yes, now that you mention that I knew that person sounded familiar. A quick search and found them. Now I know what shop not to purchase from. I have been adding hearts to a lot of my files. Nothing new. I can’t believe people get offended at that. I can see they are still getting upset at people using hearts and tear drops in their work asking for credit whenever someone uses either shape. Like really. How is this person not blocked yet? I never thought about that with the files. I… Read more »
It happens! Honestly a lot of people I have encountered like this are newbies and don’t really have any concept of copyrights, so chances are they are just really unfamiliar with things and well, yeah… A lot of communities have newbies (I work with a lot of laser newbies myself) and we all start somewhere. Unfortunately, alls we can do is try to help educate and guide them in the right direction. I always list something under the impression it probably will get ripped off and stolen in some way, shape or form- and it honestly is what it is.… Read more »
I can confirm I am not the crazy person who is going on about hearts and tear drops. Just incase anyone is thinking that.
Lol this made my chuckle. This happens daily and it’s not usually just one person, but many. I encountered just one, but as you will read- other makers have also dealt with it too. Like I said before, we need more education for our newbies. Something so they have some foundation of their rights when they start out. Maybe this year i’ll put it in my ticker to make a video or something on that subject.
Heads up if you post in some of the jewelry groups it can get nasty. There is a reason why I do not post my work online ever and only lurk from afar. I think I know the person you are talking about to. I see them in a bunch of groups I am in and they just won’t let up about those stupid tear drops and hearts. LIKE CO MON GIRL REALLY. I started creating my ribbon style designs last year and I purposely will not post them in groups cause I know someone is going to get pissy… Read more »
Hi! Was wondering where you license your stuff because I’d love some of your art on maybe a mug. I can’t do mugs in my laser lol. Unless you sell mugs?
Hi Hilari!
I have some of my art on Redbubble and Spoonflower and I also make laser engraved mugs. Is there a particular mug or design you are looking for? Are you looking for some to sell and reproduce or just for personal use? Let me know! Thank you for your interest.