Seeing more people read my blog than I thought, I am putting this little update here. I also have a post on Instagram seeing that is where I usually am active, but I’ll go more in depth here because I am human and we all have struggles we face. These sometimes impact things in our day to day, and this has greatly been impacting my small business and my reach out.
It’s been a year! Last fall I came down with another tooth infection, which resulted in another root canal to treat the infection as well as a tooth getting pulled. LOVELY, right? WELL. A month later I ended up getting ocular migraines, but I thought I was having a stroke cause my arm went numb and I lost my vision. Many months of tests, specialists and all that to finally be diagnosed with oculars. No idea what is causing them, but it’s scary, that is for sure!
Then this past May, I went to the store and came down with a vertigo spell. Vertigo isn’t uncommon for me, but this spell DID NOT GO AWAY. It’s now almost end of July, and I’m still spinning, nauseas and all that. Again, more doctors and tests and I now have some kind of ear issues causing this, and have to see another specialist (ENT then possibly an allergist UGH). 3 more weeks! Unfortunately all the meds they have me on knock me for a loop, so while yes, the spinning may stop- I’m either sleeping or dealing with insomnia.
So it’s been rough, to say the least. Things like moving my head trigger the spells, and even just sitting typing can sometimes trigger them. I have good and bad days, and I keep praying I’ll get my old and normal life back. I can’t really travel much, driving is difficult and even riding passenger is hard. So it’s been isolating.
I appreciate all those who have said prayers and have checked in with me! And to those customers who I offered to refer out, who have decided to stick by me. THANK YOU! I am slowly getting back to replying and getting customs done and out the door as well as some of the new designs I have in the works. There are some other announcements too! But i’ll refrain until I get all that together to post.
I’ll be in touch with those who have pending orders.
For shows: with the new 80/20 policy (80% or more of what you sell need to be designed AND made by you) a lot of shows are doing now, my main focus is going to be on making more of my own designs. I need to make the time for it now. So while I do like supporting fellow artists at times purchasing files, I am going to have to limit that in upcoming months. Apparently, event coordinators are seeing the same designs all over and are trying to avoid that with their shows. I get it, but I now have to re-evaluate my stock. I will still purchase designs, but not as frequently. If anything, i’ll be using AI in combination with my original hand drawn elements to speed things up with my wraps. Iv’e had people ask to purchase some, and I will be fully transparent about that portion of things.
So far I have 1 show booked for October (Applefest), but I am open to a Nov and Dec show. Im not sure what the upcoming months will entail with this vertigo honestly. Shows will be posted on my FB page which can be found HERE.
Anyways! That is my little update.
Not sure where to post this so I am trying here. I am in a engraving group on Facebook and saw some artwork that I believe is yours being used without your permission. The link to the group is here: [link removed]. I am not sure if you are in this group but it is posted by [name removed]. As of today Oct 14. Just wanted to give you a heads up if you wanted to take action. I know you stopped selling files so I figured they might have traced or something. Maybe they have permission but wanted to… Read more »