Here comes my Amazon Must-Haves for powder coated mugs and tumbers I use/ run on my 30W fiber laser! I have been purchasing from various suppliers over the past 2+ years, so I have gathered a list of my favorites. Please note, all of these here are brands I have personally used and engraved. You may notice some are different brands, pack counts, and some may even come with straws. Every supplier is a bit different, and some mugs may have more of a curve than others. I have found (in my opinion) most of the bl;ack mugs usually engrave the same, so settings don’t change.
When it comes to the different colors, you may need to run a couple passes (depending on your fiber laser). I have some videos on my instagram, Youtube and Tiktok that goes over the settings I use for different mugs and styles. As a general rule, I will give some base settings I use on all my mugs.
Also note, if you purchase any of these, I do get a slight commission! Every little bit helps me be able to continue creating free content available to the laser community.
12 OZ Wine Mug
- 37.9 Focal Height
- Black Mugs: 750 speed, 50 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
- Purple & Teal Mugs: 750 speed, 70 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
- Clean up pass- 750 speed, 50 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
- White/ Dk Green Mugs: 750 speed, 70 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
- Clean up pass: 750 speed, 30 power, 30 frequency. Depending on the coating, you can bump the power up to 50.
- Clean up pass combo’s I use:
- 750 speed, 30 power, 30 frequency.
- 750 speed, 50 power, 30 frequency (for really deep coatings).
- 3000 speed, 50 power, 60 frequency (shiny line finish and the finish I use for all yellows).
Skinny Tumblers
- 37.9 Focal Height
- Lavender: 750 speed, 30 power, 30 frequency. 2 passes.