My Amazon Must-Haves (Powder Coated Tumblers & Mugs)

by | Jul 5, 2023 | Business | 0 comments

Here comes my Amazon Must-Haves for powder coated mugs and tumbers I use/ run on my 30W fiber laser! I have been purchasing from various suppliers over the past 2+ years, so I have gathered a list of my favorites. Please note, all of these here are brands I have personally used and engraved. You may notice some are different brands, pack counts, and some may even come with straws. Every supplier is a bit different, and some mugs may have more of a curve than others. I have found (in my opinion) most of the bl;ack mugs usually engrave the same, so settings don’t change.

When it comes to the different colors, you may need to run a couple passes (depending on your fiber laser). I have some videos on my instagram, Youtube and Tiktok that goes over the settings I use for different mugs and styles. As a general rule, I will give some base settings I use on all my mugs.

Also note, if you purchase any of these, I do get a slight commission! Every little bit helps me be able to continue creating free content available to the laser community.


12 OZ Wine Mug

  • 37.9 Focal Height
  • Black Mugs: 750 speed, 50 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
  • Purple & Teal Mugs: 750 speed, 70 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
    • Clean up pass- 750 speed, 50 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
  • White/ Dk Green Mugs: 750 speed, 70 power, 30 frequency. 1 pass.
    • Clean up pass: 750 speed, 30 power, 30 frequency. Depending on the coating, you can bump the power up to 50.
  • Clean up pass combo’s I use:
    • 750 speed, 30 power, 30 frequency.
    • 750 speed, 50 power, 30 frequency (for really deep coatings).
    • 3000 speed, 50 power, 60 frequency (shiny line finish and the finish I use for all yellows).

    Skinny Tumblers

    • 37.9 Focal Height
    • Lavender: 750 speed, 30 power, 30 frequency. 2 passes.

      12 oz Wine Mugs

      Skinny Tumblers

      Coffee Mugs

      22 Oz Mugs

      Non Powder Coated

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      About the Author

      Kristina is a full time freelance illustrator, graphic & web designer as well as an avid DIY crafter! She loves nothing more than creating all kinds of things. This blog showcases her latest projects, shop updates, stories, reviews, freebies and more!

      When Kristina isn’t making stuff, she can be found hanging out with her Goldendoodle pup Daisy and her two Axolotls, Pickles & Popcorn.

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