My Amazon Must-Haves (Powder Coated Tumblers & Mugs)

My Amazon Must-Haves (Powder Coated Tumblers & Mugs)

Here comes my Amazon Must-Haves for powder coated mugs and tumbers I use/ run on my 30W fiber laser! I have been purchasing from various suppliers over the past 2+ years, so I have gathered a list of my favorites. Please note, all of these here are brands I have...

Business & Faith

Business & Faith

I was debating on posting something like this, simply because I try to not mix my "personal" life with business. However, the more and more I grow my business- people always ask to know "me"- the REAL me, as in- what makes me, well- ME! I have people asking me about...

New Years Update

New Years Update

Well folks! It has been a  year. I'm not one to bring personal problems into my business posts, but let's just say there were a lot of life changes that happened this year.  There are some things I truly don't and wont understand, some things that I will probably...

November Updates

November Updates

Figured it was time for another update! Life has me super busy. I have about 4-5 shows booked, my weekdays have been slammed with show prep and my standard obligations, and going into the holidays means it is BUSY season! Which means I probably won't have much time to...

An Official Site Update!

An Official Site Update!

Hi folks! So it has been a hot minute since I posted anything related to my work and all the stuff that has been going on. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am drifting away from ETSY due to some issues I had with them. I was working on a Shopify which was nearly...

Is a Laser right for You?

Is a Laser right for You?

I get this question a lot- "If I purchase a laser how quickly can I pay it off? Is it a good investment"? This question is so specific to so many factors that it is hard to say! In my area laser work is booming because there isn't anyone else with a laser (that I am...

About the Author

Kristina is a full time freelance illustrator, graphic & web designer as well as an avid DIY crafter! She loves nothing more than creating all kinds of things. This blog showcases her latest projects, shop updates, stories, reviews, freebies and more!

When Kristina isn’t making stuff, she can be found hanging out with her Goldendoodle pup Daisy and her two Axolotls, Pickles & Popcorn.

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