Business & Faith

by | May 2, 2023 | Business, My Life Adventures, Story Time | 9 comments

I was debating on posting something like this, simply because I try to not mix my “personal” life with business. However, the more and more I grow my business- people always ask to know “me”- the REAL me, as in- what makes me, well- ME! I have people asking me about my stories and adventures because they could relate. Not only could they see themselves in some of my own stories and adventures, but perhaps some of my lessons along the way could also help them in their own busy lives too.

Back around early February I think it was (the exact date I cannot for the life of me remember), I ended up joining a local church with my parents. While I have always considered myself spiritual, I found myself getting lost with the everyday struggles and needed some grounding and positivity in my life. Especially with the recent events that happened. I needed to do some soul searching and just get out there more. 

 I soon found myself being a part of a community that I am learning so much about, and really trying to implement better ways not only in my business practice, but also in life too. Iv’e always been a firm believer that people enter and exit our lives for a reason, and while at that point in time we may not understand, in the long run- it all makes sense when we look back.

Things have happened in my life recently I cannot explain. Out of the blue. Multiple events and things. Coincidences that defied all odds. New networks. New opportunities. New people. I was reading my journals I wrote since 2009 and I have changed so much in all those years- and I realized during some of my darkest times, I really stuck to prayer as my outlet. 

I always thought in life I wanted to be a graphic designer. Then a web designer. Realized I really actually love illustration, NOT design haha! And I found I have a passion and love for laser work, and helping/ teaching others. When I left to become self employed, I assumed I would be doing websites for a living or design work. Who would have EVER thought I’d have two lasers?!? Doing craft shows? Meeting all kinds of people?

Life has been an adventure. But let me tell you something. 

Something happened to me yesterday that really took me back. While I don’t want to bore you with all the hectic-ness of my life, there was someone who I was very fond of, who I learned some years back moved across the world. We went our own ways in life and I didn’t think much of it, but I did always wonder how he was. He left a big impact in my life during some stressful times, and was someone that I greatly admired and appreciated. I thought about him last week when I did up my Earth Day Instagram post, actually! Just simply wondering how he was, and if I would ever see him again. It had been years since I saw him last, although I did wish we stayed in touch- because he really is a wonderful and kind hearted person who I enjoyed being around and simply talking to. Sometimes, you meet people in life who really leave a lasting impression.

I kid you not. Out of the blue. I run into him. We were talking for a bit like old times, catching up- and I guess he is moving back home for good! When I got home, I kind of just sat there in awe at how large the world is, and how timing and fate just weaves things together. Even if it’s lost friendships, new relationships or new beginnings. I honestly do not have explanations for the things that have been happening, and while I am never going to be one to push religion or spirituality on someone, I do truly believe God is at work- and as my Dad says, “weaving things together“. The people who have entered my life. Some old, some new. I can look back and see all the lessons throughout the years. The lessons of my life that I had no idea were even lessons, until months or even years later.

And, At the very least, I hope I can be that meaningful impact on someone else’s life. Whether it be business related, spiritually there to talk, or simply as a friend and person to talk to- I truly am thankful for those who have been put in my life. The same goes for those who entered but left- with each one, came a valuable lesson taught. I could have the worse week, and when I get a random message from a stranger thanking me for helping them- whether it be from them watching my videos, reading my blog posts or simply answering a question, it helps keep me going. Even in times of struggles and hardships. Perhaps those may just be little messages and reminders “Kristina, you are doing alright. Keep at it“.

I know this post may not be for everyone, but it is truly a message written from my heart, as not just a business owner and entity online, but a person and human being and some of the recent battles I have been facing. We all have our struggles, good days and bad days- but we have to keep on plugging away and going. I look at where I am now compared to where I was even 4 years ago, and I am so much happier as a person. I truly feel like I am making a difference in peoples lives too.

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1 year ago

Girl, I like these posts cause they are refreshing. So many people just make it all about business that they forget there is an actual human being behind that. Show that side off. Be vulnerable cuz I do agree it makes it relatable. I am not a practicing person but I guess I think of myself as spiritual. My life has many ups and downs and I am happy to see your time is turning around, hopefully for the best. You helped me out in many ways. I apreciate you. I wish you and your friend the best. Not sure… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
1 year ago

If you go to your site then add /feed/ at the end, you can take that link and plug it into ur browser extension. I use RSS feed reader. I can follow blogs I like and get their updates. Have you never used it? LOL. Its great! Just give them all nicknames. Be like “This is my ex Steve. Or Bob.” Or some common name. Unless he has a common name. Then it won’t work. Or give them nicknames. Earth person/ Earth Guy. Weird Ex. I call him weird ex cause wasn’t he the one who dressed up in strange… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
1 year ago

Oooooops my bad gurl! Thought that was ur guy. If I see him again I will link u. OMG to ur story. XD Idk what I would do if a 13 yr old followed me home. I feel that would be very illegal and I wouldn’t even kno how to reply. Like, what do you even do? What happens if they refuse to leave your property? How do you even report that and can you? LOL. Call the police? “Hey a 13 year old followed me home and is in my driveway what do I do?”. How do you even… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
1 year ago

Im short to. I get it. Same boat as u LOL. I will once he pops up in my feed again. I don’t kno his tag but I kno his face and content lol. Good attitude to have. I kno so many people who feel relationships define them or they have to settle rather than be alone then end up divorced or in a bad relationship for years cause everyone is scared to leave. Keep ur head up. Like I said in ur other post ur a great amazing person and have been great helping me I’m sure soon enough… Read more »

Gracie L
Gracie L
4 months ago

I really like these kind of posts. They are very refreshing to see. Keep it up. Follow you on Insta and used to see you post in the laser groups. I hope all is well and I miss seeing your work. xoxo Gracie

About the Author

Kristina is a full time freelance illustrator, graphic & web designer as well as an avid DIY crafter! She loves nothing more than creating all kinds of things. This blog showcases her latest projects, shop updates, stories, reviews, freebies and more!

When Kristina isn’t making stuff, she can be found hanging out with her Goldendoodle pup Daisy and her two Axolotls, Pickles & Popcorn.

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