New Years Update

by | Dec 25, 2022 | Business, Laser Cutting, Site News | 44 comments

Well folks! It has been a  year. I’m not one to bring personal problems into my business posts, but let’s just say there were a lot of life changes that happened this year.  There are some things I truly don’t and wont understand, some things that I will probably never have closure on- but you know what? It is what it is. Sometimes people enter and exit our lives in ways we just don’t understand.

I took the month of December to heal up a wrist injury (still got 2 more months ugh), some personal issues and to get over this darn flu. A lot of things have been put into perspective for me as of lately, and alls I can really do is keep moving forward. While it is saddening that some people may no longer be apart of my life moving forward, I do wish them the very best on their journey. I think one of the hardest things for me is feeling like I lost a piece of family with such a departure and not having someone there to share the wins and growth that has been happening with me. If it is one thing I miss, it is having someone to celebrate these wins with. I am very fortunate though to have an amazing family, friends, students and mentors who have been there for me though.

Anyways, without further ado- let me go move on with some changes I have planned in 2023.

New in 2023

So I am REALLY excited about this, and i’m not sure if and how this will all pan out- but I have a potential oppurtunity to become a brand new home owner in 2024! Providing things continue to grow and the permit doesn’t fall through. For those who are new to my page and stuff, owning a home has been a DREAM of mine for so many years. Not only would this allow me to continue to grow my business, but I will also be local- so all my clients won’t need to worry about shipping and what not. I can still vend at all my own shows and work on building my shop. OH, and added bonus- I can decorate it with ALL my laser work. 

I plan on hiring a freelancer to help get my Bigcommerce ready to go. Aiming for late spring/ early summer launch. My wonderful little brother bought me a wireless Rollo, so i’m getting prepped! Things are happening. 

With the addition of my new hat press (thanks Mom & Dad!) I will soon be adding hats and patches to my product line. 

Some other opportunities are emerging, and I might also be adding a 3rd laser (2nd CO2) to my shop as well to keep up with the demand. My Dad has been helping me completely re-vamp the workshop to really make it workable. So i’ll have dedicated areas for everything I do- from laser work, to videos, to product showcase and even photography.

I hope to continue collaborating with designers and companies within the laser community who are growing, so keep an eye out! I love making content to help promote others too. 

So long story short- BIG GOAL is to prep and get situated enough to move forward with this house, grow this business to the next step, hire some help and launch this shop!


My Ideas

I plan on implementing a schedule to try and keep my goals set. Not only will I be collaborating with others, but I want to get more into working on my patterns again as well as SVG files that I plan on listing once the amazing new marketplace CraftEazy launches.

I’d love to really get more videos in motion on my Youtube too. This includes not only featuring my various suppliers, but showing some of my tests, diy tutorials, featured designer files I purchase from, and more. 

And before anyone asks me “Why do you buy files from other designers when you can make them”, the truth is I haven’t had much time to hand draw these days and there really isn’t anything wrong with supporting other creators. I also like to show my support to other artists and designers and enjoy using their files, re-working them and promoting them where I can. The same goes for my wonderful suppliers I purchase from too. You may notice when I post product images, I always try to credit the original designer of the file when possible, same goes for the supplier of my materials. As a designer myself, this is something I truly feel strongly about and WANT to give them the full credits they deserve. I look at it more as a license kind of deal- I purchase a file, modify it/ use it as I see fit, but essentially purchased the license of that file from another maker. I also work a lot with laser newbies who often need a point of reference to start and many of these designers have been involved with lasers long before I was and are fantastic resources. I am more than happy to send business their way. A bulk of the things I do is small scale like jewelry design, but if you notice- I often purchase files like signs, ornaments, sun catchers and more. 

I think I covered quite a bit here. I’m still limiting my groups and where I post, frankly I just don’t have much time being in so many these days. I always try to answer messages on IG, FB, YT and email when I get them. Direct messages work best, but sometimes IG and FB filter messages into spam which can be problematic. A lot of my older messages seem to disappear too- so if it’s over a month old, it’s gone.

I hope everyone is doing well here too! I am getting around to approving and going through the older comments from a month back (whoops my bad), so sorry folks. 

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2 years ago

Oh no! I am so sorry girl. Not sure if your loss is a significant other or a close friend, but I truly am sorry. It is always hard. It doesn’t sound like they passed and if they did I am ultra sorry and don’t mean to sound insensitive. I am here to talk if you need to. You know you have me and plenty of other people to share your accomplishments with. I get it tho. My best friend of 15 years just stopped talking to me and moved across the country with her boyfriend and she and I… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

I saw that you commented on my older post before this as I have it subscribed LOL. I get an email alert when I get a comment. Hope that helps. Don t worry about the icon either. That is minor lol. Aw. I get it now. I’m so sorry hun. XOXOXO from me. People can be a big part of our lives and there isn’t anything wrong with feeling the way you are feeling and our situations impact our work in so many ways. Just know that you have people who do want you in their lives. I know you… Read more »

Daniel C
Daniel C
Reply to  Amanda
2 years ago

I got your comment on the other post but didn’t see the recent blog updates. Strange. Not sure if my other post went through. I did not see that post. Did you see the present post? Someone made a gift box and wrapped gift looking pair of earrings and someone else got upset claiming they were the first one to do shapes inside a shape? Probably the same person you saw. This person actually called out shape inside shapes. I didn’t know that was a thing that was patrolled. The more posts I see the less I interact with communities… Read more »

Reply to  Amanda
2 years ago

Hi, I would kindly like to ask you to explain how my “Teachers Pet” designs are not copywriten and trademarked by me? I designed them and posted them in the groups such as [removed] and [removed]. I know you are referencing my designs as I take pride in my work to make sure they are not stolen and posted across the internet so I issue take downs and messages when I see people ripping off my work. I work with inlays in all my designs and came up with teacher styled inlays so I own all rights to the idea… Read more »

Reply to  Mari
2 years ago

My work

Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 10.00.01 PM.png
Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Hi. I know it is about me because I invented the chalkboard earring and the pencil earring. Are you saying I cannot protect my idea of chalkboard earrings with shapes inside shapes and text? Even if I added the text and fonts myself? So even my short phrase of back to school I cannot own? It says typeface I cannot copyright in that document so how can I make it so I can protect my work then? This is all very confusing to me. I see you draw axolotls but I see lots of other axolotl art out there and… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

So if I can’t copyright my basic shapes as you are saying can I copyright the materials used? If I make my earrings out of wood and acrylic can I copyright that so other people can only use wood and acrylic if they purchase my files? Can I copyright the size? If I make the files and earrings 2 inches can people only use the rectangles at 2 inches if they buy my files? I guess I am trying to prevent people from also selling chalkboards that are similar as mine and the same size as mine when they should… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

I guess I never looked at it as bullying. As someone who has been bullied as a kid that is the last thing I want. How can my reputation get ruined though? I have reported dozens of people to group admins and their comments and on the past on my shop site cause I felt they were stealing. How could this backfire? Can you please explain what happened when you faced this so I know what to expect? Can I ask you to please also change the name in these comments so if someone reads them they do not reflect… Read more »

Reply to  Mari
2 years ago

Mari, I am not sure if you are familiar with the TWD group, but you should look at the huge lawsuit going down with the easter lady. She’s getting sued for filing false claims all over Etsy and the internet. She was issuing fraudulent claims claiming she owned trademarks and rights to things she actually did not, and pissed of a lot of people. Be careful. Not trying to be rude about this but with the stuff you are claiming, this could very well happen to you. I can message you more info if you want to learn and read… Read more »

Reply to  Amanda
2 years ago

Hi. No I am not sure what that is. I only reported in groups my designs are not for sale just yet as I was working on the files. How can I check the lawsuit? Yes can you please email me or can someone message me the group so I can join and check thank you.

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Hi. I went to go search Etsy and saw someone else has almost the same heart design I thought of. Will this cause problems? I am sending a link [removed] and you can remove it but please let me know cause now I don’t think I can post my design cause someone else beat me to it. I see this shop has some basic shapes similar to things I designed. I have never seen or heard of this person or their shop before up until searching today. Please give me guidance. I am really upset right now because I thought… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Hi. Thank you for that advice. I think that person is the same person getting upset at me for posting a photo of my heart design too. I will send them a similar post like you sent me. It sounds like if they are acting like this they won’t stop and will annoy people until they get banned? I don’t want to get banned but I also don’t want to get bullied by this person either. Maybe I will try to draw some shapes and make them look different. I really don’t want my shop to get reported when I… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Well the group made a post about copying and I am no longer a member so I guess they kicked me out cause of that heart design the other member reported me for. That is so dumb I can’t believe it. They even said they wouldn’t do that for members who make basic shapes.

Id like to hear about your groups please. I can’t believe that happened I was a active member in there since I got my laser and they really did this to me.

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Yes please send me the email. I am very upset about this. Can you report these people in other groups? That heart person is going to probably start it there as well. I don’t want to go through building a community and then have them ban me cause someone else said they started heart design. Can you warn the other group about that person? and do you have a group? I just cant get over this and how wrong this is. I guess it has come back to bite me cause I reported people for stealing my shapes and now… Read more »

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Hi. I saw a lawsuit post for making mouse ears does that mean I cannot use two circular shapes that look like ears? I was going to make a bubble design and make them stacked but can I get sued if I put two bubbles next to each other and they look like mouse ears?

2 years ago

@Daniel C seeing if this tag will work here

Daniel C
Daniel C
Reply to  Amanda
2 years ago

I do not get tag alerts I only get comment posts and that is by blog. For some reason I cannot get blog updates unless there is a comment being replied to. It looks like I have some reading to do.

2 years ago

I read the insta post and was hoping you’d get back into file making. I wanted to ask for more Axolotl earrings and jewelry if you can. I do not do inlays but prefer your illustration studs. I think they are the quickest and cutest and the most unique around. I really hope you will sell some file bundles as well. That would be amazing.

Daniel C
Daniel C
2 years ago

I am catching up on the last post and sorry I did not see the updated post. I get the subscribed comments but not the latest blog posts. But if someone replies to my older comment I can get alerted. Just wanted to let you know. The blog posts also show up as having 0 comments but when I click there are comments. I am sorry to hear about your sickness and breakup. I assume breakup please correct me if wrong. Keep your head up and remember to take some time to focus on yourself. The dating days are way… Read more »

2 years ago

Just a FYI you should go with an Aeon for your 2nd CO2. I cannot speak high enough about them and you will get the in with some of the groups for your work if you want to be strategic. Also so much better than some of the other garbage brands out there. Keep that in mind. We would love to have you in the Aeon fam.

2 years ago

Do you think I can pay you to photograph some earrings I did? They are small and just need scrap. Primarily inlay designs. I love your photos and really want to get some done and maybe you can make me a matching set of insert cards as well? Let me know your price gurl.

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE THIS THANK YOU GIRL YOU ARE THE BEST. You can share this to your social if you want. I just don’t have any social presence to let you tag me to and I intentionally plan to keep it that way to avoid drama lol. So worth the $. Please post your services more and I will let my laser friends know.

Reply to  Kristina
2 years ago

Hi. Can I purchase your services to hand draw earrings files that I can put in my shop? Like if I send you a basic shape and you can draw it and pose it like this? Is this part of your services? thanks.

2 years ago

Hey I guess I should have really read your post before commenting and jumping into the comments. I found your page from a friend in my group who mentioned she comes to your blog for resources and ideas and I guess I knew some comments were about me even though nobody said my name so I freaked. I am Sorry to hear about your breakup and here I am going off. My last breakup was one of the hardest things I have gone through so I feel for you. It took me a year to feel a little bit normal.… Read more »

2 years ago

Also I was looking through your projects and Idk if the valentine shadowbox was something you made for the guy who break up but the project was really sweet and thoughtful and I am just so sorry for all that I really feel for you and my heart goes out to you. I shed a tear. Reminds me of myself. I am crafty and always try to make gifts and they usually end up in the trash or at the discount store. I made my friend a mug once and worked so hard on it and a year later saw… Read more »

2 years ago

Hi. A couple years ago you did up the rude candy heart sayings. I’m seeing people post them around Instagram now with similar colors and sayings. Wanted to let you know so you can report them as seen fit. Some profile names are [removed], [removed] and [removed] if you want to look into it. Sorry this is happening to you. I’m a big fan and own your original products and not any fakes or impersonations. Keep strong.

About the Author

Kristina is a full time freelance illustrator, graphic & web designer as well as an avid DIY crafter! She loves nothing more than creating all kinds of things. This blog showcases her latest projects, shop updates, stories, reviews, freebies and more!

When Kristina isn’t making stuff, she can be found hanging out with her Goldendoodle pup Daisy and her two Axolotls, Pickles & Popcorn.

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